Clean Air

Clean Water
Overall, drinking water quality has been and will continue to worsen because of an increase in human population, municipal waste, industrial by-products, and waste. Contaminants are being dumped or spilled into bodies of water, from farming practices, agricultural waste and runoff, and widespread use of pharmaceuticals.
Many water filtration products offer a false sense of security by merely improving taste in reducing chlorine while other contaminants remain in your water. UV Purification recommended technologies provide incredibly efficient contaminant filtration and great tasting, optimally healthy alkaline water for you and your family.
Portable Air Purification System
This air purification system is manufactured to improve the quality of indoor air in your home or office down to 0.01 microns.
Indoor Hygenics RPS 600S is a portable air purifier that helps to disinfect airborne germs, viruses, and microbes, as well as remove particles from the air, to enhance the indoor air quality in your home or business.

Meet The Partners

Not all air cleaners are created equal, each with various unique advantages and feature specific to that make and model. However, no matter which brand is right for you all Hepa Filtration products operate on very similar basic principles.
Each unit takes in air from the environment and passes it through a series of filters, the filters remove contaminants by various methods depending on the type, and the clean air is expelled back into the room.
Indoor Air Pollutants, Bacteria, And Viruses Are Drawn To The Photo-Catalytic Reactor Grid.
Ultraviolet light illuminates and super-activates the reactor grid.
Photo-catalytic oxidation reduces the contaminates to simple water vapour and carbon dioxide
You spend about 90% of your time indoors.
The quality of indoor air can be two to five times (and even up to 100 times) more polluted than the worst outside air. The numbers are out! There has been an alarming increase in the number of children with severe allergies and asthma. According to the American Heart Association and Lung Association allergies, asthma, lung cancer and heart problems have all been linked to poor indoor air quality. You inhale approximately 20,000 breaths of air per day. You likely understand the health benefits of clean water. Yet, most people are unaware of or ignore the importance of breathing clean air.